Creating Run Fit Issues with Extreme Shifts and Extra Gaps

This is an excerpt from my clinic article which will appear on American Football Monthly on this Tuesday. The article’s topic is using wings to create an advantage for the offense, and illustrates the points that Forest Evashevski listed to describe the advantages of using a wing in his book Scoring Power with the Wing T Offense (1957). Evashevski notes that the advantages of a wing go back to the earliest days of football.

In my earliest experiences as a coach and coordinator, I coached in a wing-t system. The offense has some very sound principles that have been absorbed into many offensive systems. While I stopped coaching the wing-t long ago, what I learned conceptually still has application.

The example shown here illustrates the use of wings and an extreme shift of strength. A shift with two wings and the tight end creates a problem for run fits as well. This example includes two wings outside of the tight end. To complicate the issue even further for the defense, all three shift to the other side of the formation. The defense must respond with an immediate adjustment, but the adjustment they use leaves them short a defender to the strength of the formation. As the video shows, the defense moves defenders, but because they leave a free safety and play cover three, there is an undefended gap, and the result is a big play.

gaps vs defenders.001

More on the use of wings on AFM on Tuesday. Read over 20 detailed offense articles here.

My iBook, 101+ Pro Style Pistol Offense Plays can be purchased from your iPad on the iBookstore. Click here for the link:


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