On American Football Monthly: 4 Keys to Successful 4 Verts

Four verticals has become a staple in many offenses. It’s a great plan of attack versus any eight man box whether that is something that the defense aligns in or rotates to. Executed correctly the defense is stressed horizontally.
We define this concept to our players as follows:


The concept seems simple enough; four receivers run down equally spaced landmarks creating a horizontal stretch while they attack the defense vertically. However, defensive coordinators know the weakness of a three deep coverage, so they teach techniques to defeat the four vertical, or they stay out of it and play some form of two-high safety defense. This is where a concept-based structure, the details of running routes correctly, having a consistent progression and precise rhythm for the quarterback, and simple variations that put stress on the techniques that defenders are using to protect the seams can help win back the advantage for the offense. Most importantly, how the four vertical concept is practiced and drilled creates the execution that’s necessary for it to be successful in games. Drills will be discussed and illustrated throughout the article. More here…

More offensive concepts illustrated and shown in video on my iBook 101+ Pro Style Pistol Offense Plays which you can download from the iBookstore on your iPad:

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